% Plain format adapted to the Russian language. % Copyright 2008, 2012 Dmitri Pavlov. % You may redistribute this file under the terms of GNU General Public License version 3. % Report bugs and suggestions to me: host: math.berkeley.edu, user: pavlov. % To compile, load this file, load some set of Russian hyphenation patterns, and perform dump. % Typical compilation command: initex '\input plain-ru \input ruhyphal \dump' % This file is in the UTF-8 encoding. % If you want to use some other encoding, just recode this file. % In particular, you have to recode to a single-byte encoding if you are using a standard version of TeX. % This file uses the LH fonts by Olga Lapko and Andrei Hodulev. % If you want to use some other fonts, simply change the lh prefix everywhere to the prefix of your font. % This macro package sets up proper codes (cat, uc, lc, sf, math) and fonts (LH) for the Russian language. % Unfortunately, the LH package does not have Russian mathematical fonts. % You probably want to input a set of Russian hyphenation patterns after loading this file. \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \let\xskewchar=\skewchar \def\skewchar{\let\skewchar=\xskewchar\let\xskewchar=\undefined \message{russian fonts,} \font\tenrm=lhr10 % roman text \font\preloaded=lhr9 \font\preloaded=lhr8 \font\sevenrm=lhr7 \font\preloaded=lhr6 \font\fiverm=lhr5 \font\preloaded=lhss10 % sans serif \font\preloaded=lhssq8 \font\preloaded=lhssi10 % sans serif italic \font\preloaded=lhssqi8 \font\tenbf=lhbx10 % boldface extended \font\preloaded=lhbx9 \font\preloaded=lhbx8 \font\sevenbf=lhbx7 \font\preloaded=lhbx6 \font\fivebf=lhbx5 \font\tentt=lhtt10 % typewriter \font\preloaded=lhtt9 \font\preloaded=lhtt8 \font\preloaded=lhsltt10 % slanted typewriter \font\tensl=lhsl10 % slanted roman \font\preloaded=lhsl9 \font\preloaded=lhsl8 \font\tenit=lhti10 % text italic \font\preloaded=lhti9 \font\preloaded=lhti8 \font\preloaded=lhti7 \message{more russian fonts,} \font\preloaded=lhu10 % unslanted text italic \font\preloaded=lhcsc10 % caps and small caps \font\preloaded=lhssbx10 % sans serif bold extended \font\preloaded=lhdunh10 % Dunhill style \font\preloaded=lhr7 scaled \magstep4 % for titles \font\preloaded=lhtt10 scaled \magstep2 \font\preloaded=lhssbx10 scaled \magstep2 \let\preloaded=\undefined \skewchar } \input plain \message{russian codes,} \def\set#1#2{ \catcode`#1=11 \catcode`#2=11 \uccode`#1=`#1 \uccode`#2=`#1 \lccode`#1=`#2 \lccode`#2=`#2 \sfcode`#1=999 \sfcode`#2=1000 \count255=`#1 \advance\count255 by "7100 \mathcode`#1=\count255 \count255=`#2 \advance\count255 by "7100 \mathcode`#2=\count255 } \set А а \set Б б \set В в \set Г г \set Д д \set Е е \set Ё ё \set Ж ж \set З з \set И и \set Й й \set К к \set Л л \set М м \set Н н \set О о \set П п \set Р р \set С с \set Т т \set У у \set Ф ф \set Х х \set Ц ц \set Ч ч \set Ш ш \set Щ щ \set Ъ ъ \set Ы ы \set Ь ь \set Э э \set Ю ю \set Я я \let\set=\undefined \count255=92 \def\fmtname{russian-plain} \message{russian hyphenation}