\def\div{\mathop{\rm div}} \def\curl{\mathop{\rm curl}} \def\R{{\bf R}} Daniel Berwick Evans. Maxwell's equations and electromagnetism II. Example: Current through a wire. $E=0$. From this data we can derive Ampere's law: $\int B\cdot ds=j_e/(\epsilon_0c^2)=|B|\cdot2\pi$. Hence $|B|=|j|/(2\pi\epsilon_0c^2)$. Example: Solenoid. We assume that $B_o=0$. $\int B\cdot ds=j_e/(\epsilon_0c^2)=N|j|/(\epsilon_0c^2)$. Hence $|B|=n|j|/(\epsilon_0c^2)$. Potentials are a nice way to cook up solutions to Maxwell's equations. Since $\div B=0$ we can write $B=\curl A$ for some non-unique vector potential~$A$ if there are no topological obstructions. Also $\curl(E+\partial_tA)=0$, hence $E+\partial_tA=-\div\phi$ for some non-unique scalar potential~$\phi$. Gauge transformations: $A\mapsto A+\div\psi$ and $\phi\mapsto\phi-\partial_t\psi$. By choosing a particular $A$~and~$\phi$ we are ``fixing our gauge''. For example, $\div A=-c^{-2}\partial_t\phi$ is called the Lorentz gauge. Relativistic formulation. Motivation. Consider two wires with current. Lorentz' law: $F=q(E+v\times B)$ (force on a test particle with velocity~$v$ and charge~$q$). (We cannot derive it from Maxwell's equations.) Hence the wires are attracted to each other if the have the same direction of current and repelled otherwise. Now we move into a frame of reference in which electrons in wires are at rest. We observe that now we have electric field instead of magnetic. We introduce some forms: $B=B_x dy\wedge dz+B_y dz\wedge dx+B_z dx\wedge dy$, $E=E_xdx+E_ydy+E_zdz$, and $F=B+E\wedge dt$ (electromagnetic field). $J=\rho dt+j_x dx+j_y dy+j_z dz$. Maxwell's equations: $dF=0$ and $*d*F=J$, where $*$ is the Hodge star. In the vacuum, given a solution~$F$, $*F$ is another solution. In particular we have self-dual and anti-self-dual solutions: $F=\pm*F$. Self-dual solutions are left circularly polarized wave solutions and anti-self-dual are right circularly polarized (for given orientation on~$\R^{3+1}$ determined by~$*$. Lagrangian formulation of Maxwell's equations: fields are closed 2-forms. Lagrangian (vacuum case): $\int F\wedge*F$. We can also take $A\in\Omega^1(\R^{3+1})$ and $L=\int dA\wedge*dA+*J\wedge A$. Aharonov-Bohm effect: $S_q=\int\exp(i\hbar^{-1}q\int_\gamma A)$. \bye