\def\it{\item{$\bullet$}} \def\R{{\bf R}} \def\ev{{\rm ev}} Peter Teichner. Classical field theory. Goal: Describe a mathematical framework in which all real physical theories can be expressed. A {\it classical\/} field theory consists of the following three data: \it space-time~$M$ (a Lorentz manifold of dimension $(d-1)+1$ or a Riemannian manifold of dimension~$d$ or an arbitrary semi-Riemannian manifold); \it field content $\Phi(M)$ (space of sections of a certain bundle over~$M$); \it classical action~$S\colon\Phi(M)\to\R$. Roughly speaking, classically one only sees {\it extrema\/} of~$S$. In quantum field theory a state is a superposition of all fields with weight $\exp(iS(\Phi)/\hbar)$. For statistical field theory the probability density is $\exp(-S(\Phi)/T)$. So the equations become the same if $T=i\hbar$. Examples: \item{(a)} Mechanics: A particle moving in a configuration space~$N$. Here (1)~$M$ is one-dimensional (just time); (2)~$\Phi(M)=C^\infty(M,N)$; (3)~$S(\phi)=\int_M L(\phi_r(m))dm$, where $\phi_r(m)$ is the $r$-jet of $\phi$ at point~$m\in M$ and $L\colon J^r(N)\to\R$ is a Lagrangian, for example: $r=1$, $J^1=TN$, $L(v)=g(v,v)-f(\pi(v))$. Note that $J^r(N)$ is finite-dimensional manifold. \item{(b)} Free boson: (1)~$M$ is any oriented semi-Riemannian manifold; (2)~$\Phi(M)=C^\infty(M,\R)$ (free scalar $\sigma$-model); (3)~$S(\phi)=\int_M L(\phi_r(m))\omega$, where $\omega$ is a volume form, $L(\phi)=\Delta(\phi)\phi+m^2\phi^2$ and $\Delta=d^*d=-(*d*)d\ge0$. Hence $L(\phi)\omega=(d\phi)\wedge(*d\phi)+m^2\phi\wedge*\phi$. Key property: {\it Locality\/} of the classical action~$S$. We have a map $\ev_r\colon M\times\Phi(M)\to J^r(\Phi)$. We require that $S=\int_M L$, where $L$ is a form of degree~$d=\dim M$ on~$M\times\Phi(M)$, which comes from~$J^r(\Phi)$: $L$ is the pullback of some form of degree~$d$ on the manifold~$J^r(\Phi)$ along the map~$\ev_r$. \bye