\def\pr#1.{\bigskip\noindent{\bf#1.}\enskip} \def\sm{C^\infty} \def\L{{\rm L}} \def\K{{\rm K}} \def\rK{\tilde\K} \def\T{{\bf T}} \def\C{{\bf C}} \def\GL{{\rm GL}} \def\CP{{\bf CP}} \centerline{\bf Spring 2011, Math 276: Index Theory, Homework~2} \bigskip \leftline{Please submit by February~8 and contact Dmitri Pavlov (pavlov@math) for all questions about homework.} \pr Problem~4: The 6-term exact sequence. Suppose $X$ is a compact Hausdorff space. In this problem we consider automorphisms of vector bundles over~$X$. Two automorphism $a\colon E\to E$ and $b\colon F\to F$ are isomorphic if there is an isomorphism $c\colon E\to F$ such that $ca=bc$. Moreover, the sum of $a$~and~$b$ is $a\oplus b\colon E\oplus F\to E\oplus F$. An automorphism $a\colon E\to E$ is {\it elementary\/} if it is homotopic to the identity in the space of all automorphisms of~$E$. \item{(a)} Prove that the quotient~$\K^{-1}(X)$ of the commutative monoid of isomorphism classes of automorphisms of vector bundles over~$X$ by the submonoid of isomorphism classes of elementary automorphisms is a commutative group. Describe the negation map of this group. Prove that homotopic automorphisms represent the same element in this group. Is the converse of this statement true? \item{(b)} Suppose $Y\subset X$ is closed. Define $\K^{-1}(X,Y)$ in exactly the same way as $\K^{-1}(X)$ except that all automorphisms $a\colon E\to E$ of a vector bundle~$E$ on~$X$ must restrict to the identity automorphism on~$Y$ and all homotopies must stay in the space of such automorphisms. Prove the analogues of the statements in part~(a) for these relative groups. \item{(c)} Define natural maps $\K^{-1}(Y)\to\K^0(X,Y)$ such that the following 6-term sequence is exact: $$\K^{-1}(X,Y)\to\K^{-1}(X)\to\K^{-1}(Y)\to\K^0(X,Y)\to\K^0(X)\to\K^0(Y).$$ \item{(d)} Give an alternative definition of $\K^0(X,Y)$ in terms of chain complexes $0\to E_0\to E_1\to\cdots\to E_k\to0$ of vector bundles over~$X$ that are exact over~$Y$. Hint: Combine $E_i$ with the same parity of~$i$ together and choose hermitian inner products. \pr Problem~5: Computing~$\K(X)$. \item{(a)} Suppose that $Y\to X$ is a cofibration of compact Hausdorff spaces. Prove that $\K^i(X,Y)=\rK^i(X/Y)$ for $i\in\{0,-1\}$. Here $\rK^{-1}=\K^{-1}$. \item{(b)} Suppose $X$ is a compact Hausdorff space. Prove that $\K^{-1}(X)\cong\rK(SX)\cong[X,\GL_\infty]$, where $SX$ is the {\it unreduced suspension\/} of~$X$, which is obtained from the space $X\times[0,1]$ by collapsing $X\times\{0\}$ and $X\times\{1\}$ to points. Here $\GL_\infty$ is the colimit of groups $\GL(\C^n)$, where inclusions $\GL(\C^m)\to\GL(\C^n)$ are given by $a\mapsto{a\,0\choose0\,1}$. \item{(c)} Compute $\K^0$ and $\K^{-1}$ for the complex $n$-dimensional projective spaces~$\CP^n$, wedges $S^m\vee S^n$ and products $S^m\times S^n$ of spheres. \pr Problem~6: Sobolev spaces have well defined topologies and the second extreme. \item{(a)} Suppose $M$ is a compact $d$-dimensional smooth manifold. Recall that one way to define Sobolev spaces of~$M$ is to choose a partition of unity~$(\psi,U)$ indexed by a set~$I$ together with embeddings $\phi_i\colon U_i\to\T^d$ and equip $C^k(M)$ with the norm $f\in C^k(M)\mapsto\|f\|_k =\sum_{i\in I}\|(\psi_if)\circ\phi_i^{-1}\|_k$, where the Sobolev norm on $C^k(\T^d)$ is $f\in C^k(\T^d)\mapsto\|f\|_k=\sum_{|r|\le k}\sup|\partial_rf|$. Prove that all norms on $C^k(M)$ induced by different choices of $(\psi,U,\phi)$ are equivalent to each other and hence define the same topology on~$C^k(M)$. \item{(b)} The second extreme: Consider an order~0 differential operator~$D\colon\sm(M)\to\sm(M)$ on the trivial line bundle on a smooth compact manifold~$M$ given by the multiplication by a function~$f\in\sm(M)$. Suppose that all zeros of~$f$ are isolated. Compute the kernel and the cokernel of~$D$. Do the same for the extension of~$D$ to~$\L^2(M)$: $\hat D\colon\L^2(M)\to\L^2(M)$. Discuss which of these operators are Fredholm and compute their index. \bye