\def\li{\item{$\bullet$}} \def\pr#1.{\bigskip\noindent{\bf#1.}\enskip} \def\supp{\mathop{\rm supp}} \def\sm{C^\infty} \def\smsh{\sm_{\rm sheaf}} \def\Diff{\mathop{\rm Diff}} \def\Symb{\mathop{\rm Symb}} \def\Hom{\mathop{\rm Hom}} \def\End{\mathop{\rm End}} \def\Sym{\mathop{\rm Sym}} \def\colim{\mathop{\rm colim}} \def\R{{\bf R}} \def\C{{\bf C}} \def\id{{\rm id}} \centerline{\bf Spring 2011, Math 276: Index Theory, Homework~1} \bigskip \leftline{Please submit by February~1 and contact Dmitri Pavlov (pavlov@math) for all questions about homework.} \pr Problem 1: Differential operators. Suppose that $V$~and~$W$ are smooth vector bundles over a smooth manifold~$M$. Define the set of all differential operators $\Diff^{\le k}(V,W)$ of order at most~$k$ from~$V$ to~$W$ as follows: For $k<0$ we have $\Diff^{\le k}(V,W)=\{0\}$ and otherwise it consists of $\C$-linear maps $D\colon\sm(V)\to\sm(W)$ such that $Dm_V(a)-m_W(a)D\in\Diff^{\le k-1}(V,W)$ for all $a\in\sm(M)$. Here $m_V(a)$ denotes the operator $\sm(V)\to\sm(V)$ given by the multiplication by~$a$ and likewise for~$m_W(a)$. In particular, $\Diff^{\le0}(V,W)$ consists of all $\sm(M)$-linear morphisms $\sm(V)\to\sm(W)$, i.e., morphisms of vector bundles $V\to W$. \item{(a)} Prove that the coordinate definition of a differential operator is equivalent to the one above, i.e., for any open set $U\subset\R^n$ and for any family of smooth functions $f_\alpha\in\sm(U)$ prove that every operator of the form $\sum_{|\alpha|\le k}f_\alpha\partial_\alpha$ is an element of $\Diff^{\le k}(U)$ and every element of $\Diff^{\le k}(U)$ can be represented in this form. Here $\alpha$ denotes multiindices and $\partial_\alpha$ denotes the corresponding composition of partial derivatives. \item{*(b)} A {\it differential operator\/} is a morphism of sheaves of real vector spaces $\smsh(V)\to\smsh(W)$. Alternatively, a differential operator is a morphism of real vector spaces $D\colon\sm(V)\to\sm(W)$ that preserves supports of sections: $\supp(D(f))\subset\supp(f)$ for all $f\in\sm(V)$. Denote by $\Diff(V,W)$ the set of all differential operators from~$V$ to~$W$ and prove that $\Diff^{\le k}(V,W)\subset\Diff(V,W)$ for all~$k$. Show that the canonical morphism $\colim_k\Diff^{\le k}(V,W)\to\Diff(V,W)$ given by the universal property of the colimit is an isomorphism. Here the colimit is taken in the category of sheaves (think of fiberwise colimit followed by sheafification). \pr Problem 2: Symbols of differential operators. Recall that in Problem~1 we constructed for an arbitrary smooth manifold~$M$ a category~$\Diff$ of vector bundles and differential operators together with the filtration $\Diff^{\le k}(U,V)$. In this problem we study the associated graded category of this filtered category. \item{(a)} In the notation of Problem~1 prove the following relations: $\Diff^{\le i}(V,W)\Diff^{\le j}(U,V)\subset\Diff^{\le i+j}(U,W)$ and $[\Diff^{\le i}(V,V),\Diff^{\le j}(V,V)]\subset\Diff^{\le i+j-1}(V,V)$ for all $i$~and~$j$. In particular, the category~$\Diff$ is filtered by~$\Diff^{\le k}$. \item{(b)} Consider the category of symbols~$\Symb$ over~$M$, whose objects are vector bundles over~$M$ and morphisms from~$E$ to~$F$ are $\Symb(E,F):=\Sym(TM)\otimes_{\sm(M)}\Hom(E,F)$. Composition and identity morphisms are defined in a natural way. The category $\Symb$ admits a natural filtration $\Symb^{\le k}$ (polynomials of degree at most~$k$). Construct a natural map of the associated graded categories of $\Symb$ and $\Diff$: $\Symb^{\le k}(E,F)/\Symb^{\le k-1}(E,F)\to\Diff^{\le k}(E,F)/\Diff^{\le k-1}(E,F)$. (Hint: Use the fact that sections of~$TM$ are derivations of~$\sm(M)$ and combine it with part~(a).) \item{(c)} Construct a natural map $\Diff^{\le k}(E,F)/\Diff^{\le k-1}(E,F)\to\Symb^{\le k}(E,F)/\Symb^{\le k-1}(E,F)$. (Hint: An element of $\Symb^k(E,F):=\Symb^{\le k}(E,F)/\Symb^{\le k-1}(E,F)$ can be constructed fiberwise. The fiber of~$\Symb^k(E,F)$ at point~$x$ can be identified with $\Hom(\sm(E)m_x^k/\sm(E)m_x^{k+1},\sm(F)/\sm(F)m_x)$, where $m_x$ is the ideal of functions in~$\sm(M)$ that vanish at~$x$. Elements of $\Diff^{\le k}(E,F)$ act on $\sm(E)$.) \item{(d)} Prove that the two natural maps constructed in parts (b)~and~(c) are the mutual inverses of each other. In particular, they give an equivalence of the associated graded categories of $\Symb$~and~$\Diff$. \pr Problem 3: Connections and parallel transport. A connection on a smooth vector bundle~$V$ over a smooth manifold~$M$ is an $\R$-linear map $\nabla\colon\sm(V)\to\Omega^1(M)\otimes_{\sm(M)}\sm(V)=\sm(T^*M\otimes V)$ such that for all $f\in\sm(M)$ and $s\in\sm(V)$ we have $\nabla(fs)=f\nabla(s)+df\otimes s$. \item{(a)} Prove that any connection is a differential operator of order~1. Prove that if $\nabla$ is a connection and $A\in\Hom_{\sm(M)}(\sm(V),\Omega^1(M)\otimes_{\sm(M)}\sm(V)) =\Omega^1(M,\End(V))$, then $\nabla+A$ is also a connection. Prove that the difference of any two connections is such a $\sm(M)$-linear map. \item{(b)} Consider the trivial vector bundle $V=\R^n\times\nobreak M\to M$. Prove that the de Rham differential induces a connection $d\otimes\id\colon\sm(M)\otimes\R^n\to\Omega^1(M)\otimes\R^n$ on~$V$. Use part~(a) to find an explicit expression for all connections on~$V$ and conclude that connections exist on any vector bundle. \item{(c)} A section $s\in\sm(V)$ is called {\it parallel\/} if $\nabla(s)=0$. For $M=[0,1]$, prove that the restriction map~$r_x$ from the set of all parallel sections of~$V$ to the fiber over a point $x\in M$ is an isomorphism of vector spaces. The morphism $r_1r_0^{-1}$ is called the {\it parallel transport\/} from~0 to~1. Write down an explicit formula for the parallel transport from~0 to~1 in terms of the explicit description of connections over~$M$ obtained in part~(b). Hint: $\Omega^1(M,\End(E))$ can be identified with $\sm(M,\End(V))$. \item{(d)} Use part~(c) to define parallel transport for an arbitrary vector bundle~$V$ equipped with a connection~$\nabla$ over a smooth manifold~$M$ along an arbitrary path~$p\colon[0,1]\to M$. Hint: Parallel transport commutes with pull-backs of connections. \bye