\def\Ext{\mathop{\rm Ext}} \def\Z{{\bf Z}} \def\RP{{\bf R}P} \def\CP{{\bf C}P} Transcript of the qualifying examination of Dmitri Pavlov. August 25, 2008, 14--17, room 959, Evans Hall. This is a rough transcript of my qual, which occurred on August 25, 2008. Since I wrote this transcript using my memory, not the actual recording, the words ascribed to the participants do not coincide with the original phrases. Participants: Dmitri Pavlov, Peter Teichner (advisor), Constantin Teleman (committee chair), Dan-Virgil Voiculescu, Raphael Bousso (Department of Physics). \obeylines% Teichner: What do you want to start with? Me: Let's start with topology. Teichner: How about the cohomology ring of $S^2\times S^2$. [I compute group structure by K\"unneth formula.] Teichner: What about ring structure? [I use Poncar\'e duality. It leaves two variants for ring structure. I choose the wrong one.] Teichner: How did you obtain this? [I correct myself and point out the right ring structure.] Teichner: Yes, and K\"unneth formula is valid for ring structure. Can you write it down? [I write down how to obtain this ring structure via K\"unneth formula.] Teichner: But can give an example of manifold with the ring structure you originally wrote? Me: Maybe connected sum of two-dimensional projective space with itself will work. Teichner: Can you compute the cohomology of this manifold? Me: One can use Mayer-Vietoris sequence or de Rham cohomology. Teichner: You can use either. [I write down Mayer-Vietoris sequence and compute cohomology groups.] Teichner: But what about the ring structure? Me: We can use de Rham cohomology. We immediately obtain that $xy=0$, where $x$~and~$y$ are two generators of second cohomology group. Teichner: What about $x^2$ and $y^2$? Me: By Poincar\'e duality $x^2$ and $y^2$ are generators of~$H^4$. Whether we have $x^2=y^2$ or $x^2=-y^2$ depends on orientation. Teichner: Finally you came to the question of orientation of $\CP^2$. First let's decide whether $\CP^2$ and $\CP^2$ are different manifolds. In other words, can you tell us whether there is an orientation-reversing diffeomorphism of $\CP^2$? Me: Such a diffeomorphism should induce a negative identity on top cohomology. Teichner: You already computed ring structure on cohomology of $\CP^2$. Me: Yes, from this structure one immediately obtains that there is no orientation-reversing diffeomorphism of $\CP^2$. Me: The manifolds $\CP^2\#\CP^2$ and $\CP^2\#\overline{\CP^2}$ have cohomology rings $x^2=-y^2=z$ and $x^2=y^2=z$. Teichner: Therefore these manifolds are not homeomorphic. Teichner to Teleman: You want to ask some questions on topology? Teleman: Can you compute the cohomology of $\RP^2\times\RP^2$. Me: Yes, we can again use K\"unneth formula. This time the cohomology has torsion and we have to use the version with Tor functors. [I write down the K\"unneth exact sequence. I make a mistake and write $n-1$ instead of $n+1$ in the sum of Tor terms.] Teleman: Is it $n-1$ or $n+1$ there? Me: I think it is $n-1$. Teleman: OK, go on and compute cohomology. Me: First let's write down the left term of K\"unneth exact sequence. For this we need cohomology of $\CP^2$. [I write down {\it homology\/} of $\RP^2$.] Teleman: Are we computing homology or cohomology? Me: Oops, this is homology. Teleman: How do you compute cohomology from homology? Me: Universal coefficient theorem. [I write down the universal coefficient theorem and apply it to $\RP^2$. I say that $\Ext_\Z(\Z,\Z)=\Z$ but then correct myself.] [I substitute the cohomology of $\RP^2$ into K\"unneth exact sequence. The fifth cohomology group turns out to be nonzero.] Me: Oops, we really should have $n+1$ in the K\"unneth formula. Teleman: Signs should change when you pass from homology to cohomology. That's how I remember all these formulas. Teichner: There are all these fancy topics in the syllabus. Let me choose one. What's Dold-Thom theorem? [I write down the Dold-Thom theorem. I explains what symmetric product is and say that it converts Moore spaces to Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces.] Teichner: Is symmetric product a monoid? Me: Yes, it is a commutative topological monoid. Teichner: Is it an abelian group? Me: No, the symmetric product is a free commutative topological monoid on a topological space, therefore never a group. Teichner: But Eilenberg-Mac Lane space is a group. Me: Yes. Teichner: Can you tell us what will happen if we replace free commutative monoid by free commutative abelian group? Me: We obtain zero singular chain group. Reduced zero singular chain group. Teichner: What I meant is connection with Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces. Me: One can obtain Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces by iterating classifying space construction. In this way one immediately obtains that Eilenberg-Mac Lane space is an abelian group. Teichner: Let's make a five-minute break. [Break.] Teleman: Tell us about the relation between divisors and line bundles. [I define Weil divisor group as the free abelian group generated by hypersurfaces.] Teleman: Can you define hypersurfaces? [I write down the definition in local charts.] Teleman: These are smooth hypersurfaces. Me: Yes, generally in a local chart one should have a zero set of a holomorphic function. Teleman: Yes. OK, what about line bundles? Me: There is a canonical map from the group of divisors to the Picard group of line bundles. For each hypersurface there is a unique line bundle and a global section of this bundle such that its zero set coincides with hypersurface. Teichner: Is it well-defined? I think the map goes the other way. Me: Yes, it is well-defined. The map cannot go the other way because there is no canonical way to attach a global holomorphic section to a line bundle. Teichner: Yes, but is it well-defined? Me: There is another way to construct this map. Consider short exact sequence of sheaves $0\to O^*\to K^*\to K^*/O^*\to0$. The boundary map $H^0(K^*/O^*)\to H^1(O^*)$ is exactly the map we need. Teleman: Sheaves of what? Me: Sheaves of abelian groups. Teleman: With what group structure? Me: Multiplicative. Teleman: Why $H^0(K^*/O^*)$ and $H^1(O^*)$ are the groups we need? [I explain the isomorphism for the Picard group via local trivializations.] Teleman: What is $K^*$? Me: Sheaf of meromorphic functions. Teleman: But you mentioned only holomorphic functions and their sets of zeroes. Me: For meromorphic functions one should subtract the divisor of poles from the divisor of zeroes. Teleman: The map from divisors to line bundles, is it bijective, injective or surjective? Me: No. The long exact sequence I wrote down before tells us it isn't. The kernel is the group of principal divisors, $H^0(K^*)$. They are precisely the divisors defined by global meromorphic functions. Teleman: And the cokernel? Me: The cokernel is $H^1(K^*)$. It can also be nonzero. Teleman: Do you know when it is zero? Me: It is zero for projective manifolds. Teichner: What is Serre duality? [I write it down as an isomorphism.] Teleman: What about the pairing? [I write Serre duality as a nondegenerate pairing.] Teleman: What is the isomorphism from $H^{n,n}$ to complex numbers? Me: Integration. Teleman: I would like to ask about the Hodge conjecture, but it isn't on the syllabus. Teichner: It is. Teleman: Then tell us about the Hodge conjecture. [I write down the Hodge conjecture.] Teleman: This description suffices as the first approximation. But if we want to make sense of this definition, we need to say something about the cohomology group in your statement. Me: We can embed sheaf cohomology with complex coefficients into Dolbeault cohomology. Teleman: Yes, we can do this, but this doesn't bring us any closer. We need something else. It is on your syllabus. Me: I don't know. Teleman: Can you tell us what Hodge decomposition is? [I write down Hodge decomposition.] Teleman: So now we can identify de Rham cohomology with direct sum of Dolbeault cohomology. Teleman: Can you tell us what do you mean by the rational 1,1-cohomology? Me: It is the intersection of Dolbeault cohomology and rational singular cohomology. Teichner: Let's have another five-minute break. [Break.] Voiculescu: What is a von Neumann algebra? Me: It is a weakly closed $*$-subalgebra of the algebra of bounded operators. Voiculescu: Can you give another definition? Me: It is a $*$-subalgebra of the algebra of bounded operators coinciding with its double commutant. Voiculescu: What I want to do is to ask some questions on commutative von Neumann algebras and then go to type II$_1$ factors. What can you say about commutative von Neumann algebras? Me: Every von Neumann algebra is isomorphic to $L^\infty$ of some measurable space. Voiculescu: In your definition a von Neumann algebra acts on some Hilbert space. Me: $L^\infty$ acts on $L^2$ by multiplication. Voiculescu: What is an isomorphism of von Neumann algebras? [I say that it is a norm-preserving bijection. By bijection I meant an isomorphism of $*$-algebras, but forgot to say this. Voiculescu and Teichner were uncontent by such wording and eventually made write down all the properties of $*$-algebra isomorphism. Only then I noticed my terminological mistake.] Voiculescu: So basically you want to say that an isomorphism of von Neumann algebras is a C*-algebra isomorphism. Me: Yes. Voiculescu: This is correct, although usually another definition is used and then this statement is derived as a corollary. Do you know another definition of isomorphism? Me: No, I don't. Voiculescu: You can replace norm-preservation by ultraweak continuity. Teichner: Can you say what ultraweak topology is? [I write down the definition.] Voiculescu: Can you define what a type II$_1$ factor is? Teichner: By the way, what is a factor? Me: A factor is a von Neumann algebra with a trivial center. Me: First we define an order on the set of all projections of a factor. [I write down the definition. I use non-standard notation for two orders on projections.] Voiculescu: You really want to use another notation for projections. [I rewrite the definitions using another notation.] Me: Now a type II$_1$ factor is a factor whose ordering of projections is isomorphic to~$[0,1]$ and the unit projection is finite. Voiculescu: What is a finite projection? Me: A finite projection is a projection that is not isomorphic to any of its subprojections. Voiculescu: Can you define type II$_1$ factors in another way? Me: Yes. A type II$_1$ factor is a factor with faithful ultraweak continuous normalized trace. Voiculescu: Yes, this definition is correct, even though you can omit some of the conditions. Teichner: So you can get rid of faithfulness? Voiculescu: Yes. You can get rid of faithfulness, you can get rid of ultraweak continuity, you can get rid of almost anything. Voiculescu: Can you say what is a general condition that guarantees that group algebra of a group is a type II$_1$ factor? Me: All conjugacy classes are infinite except for the unit. [Voiculescu then asked a question on a topic not on a syllabus. I did not know this topic. Voiculescu did not insist, because this topic was not on my syllabus.] [I leave the room and wait about five minutes. Then Teleman opens the door and congratulates me. Other committee members follow.] \bye