\def\pr#1.{\bigskip\noindent{\bf#1.}\enskip} \centerline{\bf Spring 2011, Math 276: Index Theory, Homework~3} \bigskip \noindent Please submit by whatever date you deem appropriate. \pr Problem 7: The Euler class. \item{(a)} Suppose $E$ is an oriented real vector bundle over a closed oriented manifold~$M$ and $s$ is a section of this bundle that is transversal to the zero section. Prove that the Poincar\'e dual of the manifold of zeroes of~$s$ is equal to~$e(E)$. Discuss the statement in the absence of orientations. \item{(b)} Find an oriented vector bundle with vanishing Euler class but without a non-vanishing section. \pr Problem 8: Topological index on odd-dimensional manifolds. Prove that the topological index of any elliptic differential operator on an odd-dimensional manifold~$M$ is zero. Hint: Consider the involution on the total space of~$T^*M$ given by negation. \bye